Tree of life Amulet, Talisman, Magical necklace with powerful symbol - VPdrums

Tree of life necklace, wooden necklace with powerful symbol

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Handmade tree of life wooden necklace.

Inspired by the ancient mysticism, the old wisdom of humanity about the magical tree, that symbolizes our eternal journey through time and space, to finally reach the source, where all creation is coming from, the source of the light of life. On the top of the tree of life, like a shining bright sun, the enlightenment state, sacred Oneness is waiting for us, the love and peace of the Divinity.( Who we really are and always were and will be)

Powerful ancient symbols burned into a wooden medal, hanging on a black necklace rope, that you can adjust to your size. The original length is 80-85cm, long enough for an adult man also.

The size wooden medal is about 6-7cm long and 2-2,5cm wide!

Flower of life, tree of life, a seed of life, Ōm, Triskelion, Yantra, Hammers of Thor, Healing hand, Lotus flower, Mandalas or any other ancient symbol.

Humans have amulets from the beginning of times because we believe that the power object gives us strength, wisdom, protection, power, inspiration or heal us. It is not only a talisman, that help us but also a way to express yourself, to show others what is inside us, our inner purpose of life, a secret mystery, that we believe in. 

The wood is a soft solid wood from the Hungarian forest, willow or alder depends on what we find. Driftwood is also a perfect primary commodity, that was traveling with the river. The long journey grinds it very nicely, prepared the wood for perfectly, so we just need to slice it carefully. 

 / We collect the wood supply in the Hungarian forests, with special care. Our philosophy is to protect the trees, and the wood's, they are our oxygen source, so we choose them with special care, only take what is necessary./


May you have a special wish, please get in contact with us. Depends on the difficulties of your favorite symbol, but maybe we can make it for you!